Canon Law requires that all parishes have a Finance Council. St. Rita’s Finance Council provides guidance to the Pastor and the Parish Business Administrator in carrying out their administrative and financial responsibilities relating to St. Rita Parish and St. Rita School. The Council has financial and accounting oversight responsibilities for both Parish and School.
The council consists of the Pastor, the Parish Business Manager and nine members of the parish who are accountants, lawyers, or other business professionals. Members of other Councils (e.g., the Parish Council and the School Advisory Council) are often asked to participate in Finance Council meetings and deliberations.
Greg Land, Chair
Tom Chambers
Chris DeFrancisco
Chris Dupre
Caroline Gagliardi
Kara Gehan
Mark Scucchi
Matthew Soderberg
Will Walters
Fr. Joshua Whitfield - Pastoral Administrator & ex-officio member
Helaine Blizzard - Business Manager
Michael Wixted - St. Rita School Principal
School Advisory Council Member
Pastoral Council Member