The Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate
September 4 OCIA Sponsor & Team Meeting
September 11 What Do You Seek? The OCIA Journey
September 18 I AM: The Mystery of the Triune God
September 25 Who Do You Say I Am? Jesus of Nazareth
October 2 Revealed I: Sacred Scripture & Revelation
October 9 Revealed II: Sacred Scripture, Tradition & Apostolic Succession
October 13 FALL RETREAT: Come, Follow Me
October 16 One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic: The Church
October 23 Grace Upon Grace: Baptism & Confirmation
October 30 Great Cloud of Witnesses: The Communion of Saints & Intercessory Prayer
November 6 My Flesh Is Real Food: The Eucharist in Scripture and the Early Church
November 10 Rite of Acceptance (5:00pm Mass - St. Rita Church)
November 13 Source and Summit: The Eucharist and the Life of Faith
November 17 Rite of Welcome (5:00pm Mass - St. Rita Church)
The Period of the Catechumenate
November 20 Source and Summit II: The Mass
December 4 Mother and Child: The Catholic Church and the Mother of God
December 11 Our Lady Of Guadalupe Parish Celebration
December 18 - January 1 Christmas Break
Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! RCIA will gather again January 8
January 8 Upon This Rock: Peter & The Papacy
January 15 Virtue & Grace: Principles of Catholic Morality
January 22 The Sacraments of Healing: The Sacrament of Reconciliation
January 29 The Sacraments of Healing II: Anointing of the Sick
February 5 What God has United: The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony
February 12 In Persona Christi: Holy Orders & Religious Vocation
February 19 The Hands and Feet of Christ: Catholic Social Teaching
February 26 The Least of These: Catholic Social Teaching II
March 5 No Class: ASH WEDNESDAY
March 9 LENT RETREAT: Into the Desert / Rite of Calling (5:00pm Mass - St. Rita Church)
March 8/15 Rite of Election (TBA - Cathedral Guadalupe)
~ Rite of Sending (TBD - Daily 5:30pm Mass)
March 12 No Class: SPRING BREAK (observed)
The Period of Purification and Enlightenment
March 19 So That They May Have Life: The Gospel of Life I
March 23 The First Scrutiny (9:00am in St. Rita Church)
March 26 My Brother's Keeper: The Gospel of Life II
March 30 The Second Scrutiny (10:45am in St. Rita Church)
April 2 World Without End: Christian Hope and Heaven
April 6 The Third Scrutiny (5:00pm in St. Rita Church)
April 9 Catholic Spiritual Life and Holy Week
April 13 Into the Mystery: Palm Sunday Night of Reflection and Prayer
(6:30pm in St. Rita Church)
April 16 No Class: Wednesday in Holy Week
April 19 RCIA HOLY SATURDAY RETREAT / Easter Vigil Rehearsal (8:30am-12:00pm)
~ The Great Vigil of Easter (8:30pm in Saint Rita Church)
The Period of Postbaptismal Catechesis or Mystagogy
April 23 Witness & Mission: Testimonies
April 30 Witness & Mission II
May 7 They Went Away Rejoicing: RCIA Thanksgiving Party