What We Believe
Explore our Catholic faith with Fr. Joshua! This is an opportunity to explore Catholicism either for the first time or to brush up on your knowledge of Catholicism. This is a great chance to begin, deepen, or renew your understanding of the Catholic faith. It’s also a great opportunity to introduce a friend of yours to the faith! These talks were recorded on various Sunday evenings across 2021 and are now available to watch/listen as your time permits. Take a look at the topics below and use the links provided to watch the recordings.
Jesus and the Church
January 24 through February 21
What We Will Explore: We begin with Jesus. Who is he? What does Scripture say about him? What do we Catholics believe about Jesus? And how does believing in Jesus relate to the Church? If a person believes in Jesus, must he or she belong to a church? And is that church the Catholic Church?
January 24: In the Beginning: Jesus of Nazareth. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
January 31: Also For Those: Jesus, the Church, and You. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
February 14: That Our Joy May Be Complete: The New Testament and Early Church. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
February 21: Sign and Instrument: The Catholic Church Today. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
Word and Sacrament
March 7 through March 21
What We Will Explore: What do Catholics make of the Bible? Why do we make such a big deal about Tradition? If Christ is present among Christians in the Church, how do we encounter Christ? What happens when we encounter Word and Sacrament?
March 7: So That You May Believe: Scripture, Tradition, and Revelation I. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
March 14: This Living Transmission: Scripture, Tradition, and Revelation II. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
March 21: Be Baptized Every One of You and Bear the Aroma of Christ: Baptism & Confirmation. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
The Mass and Catholics
April 11 through April 25
What We Will Explore: Why is the Eucharist central to Catholic life? Why do Catholics make such a big deal of the Mass? Why do we believe Christ’s Body and Blood are truly present in the Eucharist? What do we mean by saying Christ is present in the Mass?
April 11: My Flesh Is Real Food: The Eucharist in Scripture. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
April 18: Not Common Bread: The Eucharist in the Early Church. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
April 25: Source and Summit: The Eucharist and Catholic Truth. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
Sacraments of Healing and Service
May 16 through May 30
What We Will Explore: Why do Catholics go to Confession? Why do we anoint the sick? Are they biblical practices? And why do we call these practices Sacraments? And what about Marriage? Is that really a Sacrament? And can we possibly live up to the Church’s teaching on Marriage?
May 16: God’s Forgiveness in a Human Voice: The Sacrament of Reconciliation. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
May 23: Healing Touch: The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
May 30: What God Has United: The Sacrament of Marriage. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
An Ordered Church
June 20 and June 27
What We Will Explore: Why do we have a Pope? Why do we have Bishops, Priests, and Deacons? Where do these offices come from? And why is ordination a Sacrament and not just an ordinary job?
June 20: Peace Be With You: Holy Orders. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
June 27: Upon This Rock: Peter and the Papacy. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
Mary, Prayer, and Worship
August 15 through August 29
What We Will Explore: Why do Catholics make such a big deal about Mary? What does the Church believe about Mary and her relationship to the Church and to Christians? And also, what does the Church teach about prayer? And what do we believe we are doing when we gather for worship? What is “liturgy”?
August 15: Mother and Child: The Catholic Church and the Mother of Jesus. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
August 22: Without Ceasing: Prayer and the Christian Life. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
August 29: Person and Passion: Liturgy in the Catholic Church. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
The Catholic Moral Vision
September 12 through October 3
What We Will Explore: What is the Catholic moral vision? What do we believe is necessary for human flourishing, for living a good moral and ultimately happy life? What do we make of conscience and law? And where does the Church’s teaching on social justice come from? Why must we accept it all?
September 12: An Integral Vision: Catholic Moral Life. CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk.
September 19: CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk. The Aboriginal Vicar of Christ: Conscience and the Christian Life
September 26: CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk. Loving the Poor: The Roots of Catholic Social Responsibility
October 3: CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk. Loving the Poor: Catholic Social Responsibility Today
The Gospel of Life
October 24 and November 7
What We Will Explore: Why do we Catholics fight so hard for life? What does the Church really say about abortion and contraception, the culture of death and the culture of life?
October 24: CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk. Respect, Protect, Love, Serve: The Gospel of Life I
November 7: CLICK HERE to view the video of this talkRespect, Protect, Love, Serve: The Gospel of Life II
Living and Looking for Heaven
November 14 and November 21
What We Will Explore: What do Catholics think of Heaven? And what is Purgatory? Is there a Judgement at the end of it all? And when will that be? Can we know? And how can we try to live this hope in the world today?
November 14: CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk. World Without End: Christian Hope and Heaven.
November 21: CLICK HERE to view the video of this talk. Joy and Hope: Being Catholic in the World Today